What Can Be
for eczema includes topical steroids and antihistamines
to reduce inflammation and itching. A mild skin
care routine using a soap-less cleanser such as
Cetaphil cleanser and moisturizing lotions is
helpful in reducing dry skin conditions. Avoid
perfumed soaps, harsh laundry detergents and fabric
On occasions, more aggressive therapy is required
which might include oral steroids and/or antibiotics.
A new class of "immunomodulators" are
now available to treat eczema; these topical drugs
are steroid-free and useful in selected individuals.
Elidel is the number one prescribed brand for
eczema. Treating mild or moderate eczema with
Elidel offers several benefits.
- Shown to control the redness, inflammation,
and itching of eczema
- Safe to use anywhere on the skinincluding
the face, neck, and around the eyes
- Does not cause certain side effects, such
as thinning of the skin, stretch marks, skin
discoloration, or spider veins.
- Odor-free, non greasy cream, not an ointment;
it absorbs quickly and easily
- Should not stain clothing or sheets
- Safe for children as young as 2 years
- Can be used for repeated courses of treatment
as directed by your doctor.